Here's How: Boost Detoxification with Rich, Nourishing Lentils

Lentil dishes are consumed all year round in our household. They're easy to make, full of soluble fiber, and a great way to support your health and detoxification. 
Lentils (like all legumes) are rich with soluble fiber, which acts like a sponge and binds to fat soluble waste stored in the bile. Think of bile as your garbage collector. When it's released by the liver and gallbladder it gobbles up waste (excess hormones, bad bacteria, yeast, etc) and binds to soluble fiber (insert legumes) in the GI tract, then sweeps it out of your system via the bowels. 
When our diets lack soluble fiber, our bile, instead of being directed out of the body and replaced with fresh bile by the liver, it's recirculated back into our system. This repeated recirculation makes the bile more concentrated with toxins, which, in turn, can lead to all sorts of inflammatory issues with gut, skin, hormonal imbalances and more.

Consuming a fiber rich diet, specifically soluble fiber, ensures that your "garbage" is taken out and not going back in to further junk up your bloodstream. Lentils are a weekly staple and I'll have you know I used to think lentils were the most boring dish ever. Until I found the right herbs, spices and accoutrements to pump up the flavor profile for satisfying my tastebuds.

The result: Pure delight that always hits the spot.
The key ingredient?

For me, it's all about coriander - both seeds and leaves. Coriander can brighten any dish, has a wonderful flavor and is at the top of the list of digestive herbs in Ayurveda. 

Coriander seeds aid digestion, support nutrient absorption, dispel gas and soothe upset stomach. The leaves aka cilantro contain vitamins A & K, potassium, calcium and antioxidants. The leaves also act as a natural chelator, meaning it helps sweep heavy metals from the body. I highly recommend having both in your kitchen all the time, and store the cilantro in a glass jar with a little water in the fridge for freshness. 

Now let's get you the recipe!

1 cup dried lentils (any color, I prefer green)
4 cups of broth, stock or water
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1 carrot, diced
1-2 cloves of garlic, chopped
2-3 tsp of coriander seed (powder works too)
½ tsp cumin (seeds or powder)
½ tsp cardamom
Salt + pepper
Squeeze or two -big slice of lemon (both before cooking and after)

1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
Scallions, shallot or red onion, chopped (1-2 Tbs)
Squeeze of lemon wedge
Toasted seeds or nuts  (pumpkin, hemp or walnuts) 
Other topping options: fried egg, siracha, jalapeño, feta or goat cheese.

Sauté onions, carrot and garlic in oil for 3-5 minutes until softened.
Add lentils, broth, spices, tsp of salt.
Insta-pot Cook 8-12 minutes with quick release. Shorter if you like firm, longer if prefer more dahl/pureed like.
Stove top: 25-35 minutes until desired texture. Slow Cooker: 8-10 hours. 
Add garnishments- they are key. Pick what sounds yummy to you and mix it up. 

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